Size Me Up
Original image by Anndra Dubhacan
Size Me Up
You see me, you thought something
In the deep recesses of your mind
The decision has been carved out
In hard stone of your mind, impressions
Of who I am, Of where I might come from
Of whether I am rich or I am poor
Educated or illiterate? What?
Fair skinned or dark? Brown??
Am I good for you? Good to look at?
Am I ugly? Do I repulse you?
You are deciding on your choice
To smile or to look away somewhere
To accept or reject me, throw me
A forgotten lost memory of nobodies
Your mind is filled with files
I am there, somewhere in that line
Whether you choose or not, I remain
In some lost undesired thought thread
Why do I care? Whether you know me or not...
Silly of you! Did you know.. I am God?